Sun January 26 - 12:00 PM
International Market World - Auburndale
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"Don't miss the exciting concert of LA DINASTIA, CONJUNTO RIO, LOS PERICOS & MAS! This event full of music and entertainment will take place at the International Market World in Auburndale, FL. Famous artists such as La Dinastia De Tuzantla, Conjunto Rio, Los Pericos Del Arroyo, La Diferencia De Matehuala, The Wercos Band and Ganaderia Hermanos Estrada will be present to provide you the best show you could wish for. This great event will take place on January 26, 2025, at 12:00 PM, suitable for all ages, children under 10 do not pay. Don't miss this unique opportunity to experience great music and entertain in the best company. Buy your tickets at Ticketón, don't miss it!"
For more info:
Cast is subject to change/p>
The online ticket pre sale has ended