Alex Manga, known as the leading voice of Los Diablitos, began his career in the early 90s as a backing vocalist for Jorge Oñate. In 1995 he joined Los Diablitos, where he has garnered numerous hits such as 'A Besitos', 'No I'm going to cry', 'You're going to fly' and 'You threw me to the sea', among others. These successes have earned him gold and platinum records in Colombia and abroad. With over a hundred songs recorded, Alex Manga is known for his sensitivity, homely character and professional excellence. Currently, he is touring the United States performing the hits that have captivated the audience. Don't miss his concert at Stampede, Aurora on May 17 and buy your tickets here at Ticketón!
Doors open: 9:00 p.m.
Age: 21+
For more info: 1-800-668-8080
The program may change