Banner image of Los Nuevos Chavos
Profile picture of Los Nuevos Chavos

Los Nuevos Chavos


Tickets for Los Nuevos Chavos

Upcoming events:

Sat 29 Mar, 2025, 3:00 PM

Plaza de Toros la Villa Real - Houston TX

Fri 04 Apr, 2025, 8:00 PM

El Farallon Event Center - Lynwood CA

About Los Nuevos Chavos:

Los Nuevos Chavos is a standout Norteña music band hailing from San Bernardino, California. Known for their infectious rhythm and ability to connect with fans, they have managed to cultivate a renowned place in the music scene. Their energetic performances and humble approach to fame have made them one of the most beloved and respected bands in their genre. Los Nuevos Chavos delight in making music that touches the hearts of their audience, with hits such as 'El Caballero', 'Con la novedad', 'La muerte del comandante', 'Ojos vendados', 'El 701', and 'El Tonny'. Their popularity has grown exponentially because of their fresh and modern take on Norteña music, securing their place in the Mexican regional music scene. Find out more about Los Nuevos Chavos and purchase your tickets for their next concert at Ticketón.