Banner image of La Dinastia De Tuzantla
Profile picture of La Dinastia De Tuzantla

La Dinastia De Tuzantla

Mexican regional music

Tickets for La Dinastia De Tuzantla

Upcoming events:

Sat 08 Mar, 2025, 4:00 PM

Plaza de Toros Malloy - Ferris TX

Sat 15 Mar, 2025, 3:00 PM

Casa Lopez NIGHT CLUB - Oxnard CA

Sat 15 Mar, 2025, 8:00 PM

Leonardo's de Huntington Park - Huntington Park CA

Fri 28 Mar, 2025, 8:00 PM

Blue Moon - Richmond VA

Sat 29 Mar, 2025, 8:00 PM

El Galaxy Event Center - Austell GA

About La Dinastia De Tuzantla:

La Dinastía de Tuzantla is an influential musical band known for their authentic interpretation of Mexican regional music. Originally from Tuzantla, Michoacán, they've had a remarkable impact on the Mexican music scene, illuminating it with their unparalleled talent. Their touching lyrics and culture-rich melodies have created a deep connection with their loyal followers. Among their hits are songs like 'Mi vida eres tú', 'Adiós amor', 'Partiendome el alma', 'Maldito texto', 'Aceptame si puedes', 'Me vine pal norte' and 'Dos lagrimas y un tequilita'. Their ability to infuse passion and emotion in their music has earned them the nickname 'The Queen of Ranchera Sentiment'. At Ticketón, we offer tickets for La Dinastía de Tuzantla concerts, so you can experience their electrifying performance firsthand.