Banner image of Grupo Legitimo
Profile picture of Grupo Legitimo

Grupo Legitimo

Regional Mexican Music

Tickets for Grupo Legitimo

Upcoming events:

Sat 29 Mar, 2025, 8:00 PM

El Galaxy Event Center - Austell GA

Sun 30 Mar, 2025, 1:00 PM

Gran Plaza Mexico - Harmony NC

Sat 05 Apr, 2025, 8:00 PM

Springdale Civic Center - Springdale AR

Sun 06 Apr, 2025, 1:00 PM

Lienzo Charro La Herradura - Piedmont OK

About Grupo Legitimo:

Legitimate Group is a Mexican Group known for their contribution to Regional Mexican Music. Originating from San Luis Potosí, they have gained fame through social media, particularly with their single and popular song 'I set the rules'. This single has caused a sensation among its growing number of followers, accumulating more than 20 million views on YouTube.

The band is made up of talented musicians who take pride in their achievements and the reception they have received from their audience. They are known for their authenticity and their ability to capture the essence of Mexican musical culture. Their live performances are a real celebration of life and music, so each concert is an event not to be missed. Get your tickets for their next performance on Ticketón.