Merengue Típico
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Manuela Josefa Cabrera Taveras, better known by her stage name, Fefita La Grande, is a living legend of Dominican music. Born on September 18, 1945, Fefita has dedicated her life to preserving and promoting Merengue Típico, an exciting and emotional subcategory of merengue. As a virtuoso accordionist, she has given Dominican music a unique identity and, throughout her career, has influenced countless other musicians. Fefita La Grande is a name that is synonymous with merengue and is highly respected in the music industry for her talent and dedication to keeping her country's tradition alive. She continues to perform in live concerts and is famous for her energy and charisma on stage. Her music and legacy continue to live on, captivating new generations with her uncontainable passion for Merengue Típico.