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Los Jilguerillos Del Norte


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About Los Jilguerillos Del Norte:

El Trío Porteño, from Progreso, Yucatán: René Frías Alonzo "Salchicha", Enrique Novelo Navarro "Coki" and Leopoldo García Bestard "Polo". Los Panchos baptized them as Los Panchitos in Mérida, Yucatán, Paco Miller hired them in his artistic caravan and named them: Los Jilguerillos de Yucatán.

Paco Miller was the one who named them Los Jilguerillos de Yucatán because “Los Panchitos” was registered by the Castro brothers. With Paco Miller and his Caravan of Artists, they toured the center and north of the Mexican Republic, the southern United States and part of Central America, alternating, among many others, with artists such as Manolín and Shilinsky, Palillo, Rafael Vázquez, Miroslava and the great Yucatecan tenor Nicolás Urcelay.

In San Francisco, California, during a tour with Paco Miller's “Artistic Caravan,” they posed with the composer from Guadalajara, Pepe Guízar at the Sheraton Hotel.

A few years later “The Musical Painter of Mexico” composed the emblematic song White City, which Los Montejo recorded in their first LP making it famous all over Mexico and Latin America.